Yes it IS that time of year again.
Yes I have been entrusted with another Christmas Quiz.
Yes it will feature lots of health and safety questions.
No I don’t get out much. But then nor do most of you either.
This year it’s fiendishly simple. You just have to answer with the ‘presents’ that correspond to the right number from the song “On the First Day of Christmas”. So if the answer to the question is the number 1 then that would be ‘a partridge in a pear tree’.
You get a point for the right number and another point if you get the ‘present’ right.
- The number of employees at and above which the employer must record their suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
- The number that you divide C1T1 + C2T2 + C3T3 +… by in order to work out the eight-hour time weighted average exposure.
- The number of Principles of Prevention listed in Schedule 1 to the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
- The number of Occupiers Liability Acts running concurrently in England and Wales (Brucie bonus if you can remember the dates).
- The number of specific diseases in the list of Reportable Diseases in RIDDOR (not including the two generic groups of diseases).
- The minimum personal space requirement (in cubic metres) as set out in the ACoP to the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.
- The minimum number of breaches that an inspector need to see in order to issue an Improvement Notice.
- The section number in HSWA that states the employer’s duty to non-employees.
- The F number of the form used to notify HSE of a notifiable construction project.
- The number of main factors that have to be taken into account during a manual handling assessment.
- The regulation number in MHSWR that requires an employer to appoint competent persons to assist them complying with H&S law.
- The number of boxes in the diagram that shows the human failure model at the heart of HSG48 (I know; obscure, but I am really struggling to think a question for this one).
Answers next week.
Dr Jim Phelpstead BSc, PhD, CMIOSH
RRC Consultant Tutor
Julie Deadman says
This is excellent Jim – thank you so much. Really enjoyed the revision day on line on Monday so thanks for that too. Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas. Best wishes, Julie