Wondering whether additional support or special considerations are available for NEBOSH Exams?
NEBOSH and RRC have a duty to ensure all candidates can take their assessments in a way most appropriate to their personal needs. We do that by making access or Reasonable Adjustments (RA) before an exam. Or alternatively, we ask NEBOSH to grant Special Consideration (SC) to assessment results.
For more information, here is the NEBOSH Policy on access arrangements: https://www.nebosh.org.uk/policies-and-procedures/policy-and-procedures-for-access-arrangements-reasonable/

Exam Hall, Conforming To NEBOSH Exam Set-up Rules
Reasonable Adjustments (RA)
If candidates are aware of factors that will affect their performance during exams, RRC can apply for Reasonable Adjustments on their behalf. Any adjustments are agreed before the assessment takes place. Candidates must inform RRC at least 4 weeks in advance, in order to discuss their needs and agree on the best arrangements. RRC will then organise arrangements with NEBOSH, the examination venue and invigilators.
English as a Second Language
This policy covers students whose mother tongue is not English and do not write or speak English on a daily basis. In this case, we can arrange approval for them to use a bilingual dictionary during written exams. Often, NEBOSH grant candidates 25% extra time as compensation for using a dictionary.

Learning Difficulties and Illness
Another common ground for reasonable adjustments is learning difficulties such as dyslexia. In this instance, alternative arrangements will be made. Ranging from 25% extra time, to use of a word processor, or reader and scribe. Candidates will need to provide evidence, such as a medical or psychological report. If candidates have not been formally diagnosed, this website is available to book screenings or source a specialist.
Reasonable adjustments can be made for students suffering from a long term or temporary condition, illness or injury. For example; those suffering sight impairment are supplied with a question paper in a larger font, or granted use of a word processor. Physical injury or pain; for example, extra time is useful if handwriting is slower than usual or use of a word processor. A higher table can be supplied for back pain, etc. The list is endless, and each candidate has their own specific needs. Therefore, the best course of action is to contact the RRC Exams Team. Candidates can discuss arrangements to be made and what evidence NEBOSH may require.
Note that arrangements will only be approved by NEBOSH if they reflect a candidate’s usual way of working. For example, RRC cannot arrange a reader and scribe if the candidate does not work this way in their daily life. Furthermore, the request must be substantiated by relevant evidence. Remember: Requests for reasonable adjustments (dictionary or medical grounds) must be made in advance, preferably as early as possible. Applications received less than 4 weeks before an exam may not be processed in time to take the assessment with required arrangement(s).
Special Consideration (SC)
Special Considerations are adjustments made to candidate’s results before they are declared, when something unexpected may have affected the candidate’s performance. This covers anything from: noise during an exam, a headache, disruption, recent illness or death of a close relative. The adjustment will depend on the severity of the difficulty faced by the candidate. The maximum allowance is 5%. In some cases, it makes sense to not attend a scheduled exam and re-register for a later date. Re-sit or discounted re-sit fees may apply – please refer to the NEBOSH refund policy or contact us for further information.
Note that RRC only have a few days after the exam to request SC on a candidate’s behalf. Individual cases may require evidence, hence we recommend students to contact the RRC Examinations team as early as possible to discuss their situation.
Students’ planning to sit NEBOSH Certificate exams at the next sitting should apply for their RA’s now.
Any enquiries, or applications need to be sent to: exams@rrc.co.uk
*Please note that this blog post refers to the old syllabus (before 5th September 2019) for The NEBOSH Certificate examinations. If you require further information on either the old or new syllabus, you can contact us; info@rrc.co.uk / 0208 944 3100
RRC Examinations Team